If you suffer from annoying peach fuzz or fine facial hair and need a quick and easy way to remove it, you’ve come to the right place ladies!
I’m here to tell you how you can safely use a facial razor (I use the Tinkle!) on your face to shave your facial hair and get smoother skin at the same time.
Plus, I’ll also discuss some female face shaving truths and myths to clear the air as well as all of the benefits of shaving your face as a woman.
Facial shaving is also a mild form of dermaplaning, but don’t worry, I’ll explain what that is too.
*this post contains affiliate links*
What Is Fine Facial Hair, a.k.a Peach Fuzz?
Peach fuzz, also know as vellus hairs, are super fine, light-coloured hairs that can grow on our face and interfere with foundation application, or make us women feel self conscious about ourselves.
What Is Dermaplaning?
You might hear that facial shaving is a form of dermaplaning, which it kind of is. True dermaplaning is done by a professional – such as a dermatologist or medical esthetician – who uses a surgical scalpel to remove dead skin cells by carefully scraping the blade along the skin, similar to a shaving motion.
This process also removes facial hair and peach fuzz at the same time, with the final result being smoother, softer skin that glows. While facial shaving done at home using a facial razor will also remove facial hair and some dead skin cells, this DIY version is not as expensive or as thorough as the professionally done dermaplaning option.
What Is Dermaplaning And How To Do It Safely
Find out how to exfoliate your face with DIY dermaplaning.
What Is A Facial Razor? Is It Good To Use A Tinkle Razor On Your Face?
A facial hair razor is a single-blade hair removal tool designed to easily remove fine facial hair for women (although I can usually remove some of the thicker ones with a few passes if I have to). They are also called eyebrow razors, since they can be used to trim and shape eyebrow hairs.
It’s super affordable, easy to use and don’t worry – your facial hair won’t grow back thicker or darker either! We’ll discuss this hair myth further down in the post…
A facial razor, like the Tinkle, is sharp enough to easily remove the hairs on your face, but not as sharp as a razor that you would use on your legs or body, nor is it sharp enough to be used by professionals during a dermaplaning session, as discussed above. I often use the Tinkle facial razors, but there are a number of these razors out on the market to choose from.
You can browse some of the best facial razors, including the Tinkle below:


How To Use A Facial Razor To Shave Your Face
First, make sure that your skin is properly cleansed and dry. Simply hold the facial razor at a 45 degree angle, pull your skin taut, and drag the razor lightly across your skin to remove hair as well as dead skin cells (a form of mechanical exfoliation known as dermaplaning).
You can also apply a shaving cream first to help reduce friction and irritation. Do not use this razor on damaged skin or blemishes; it could irritate the area more. Once you’re done, make sure you properly wash the razor and let it thoroughly dry before replacing the plastic cover. If the blade becomes damaged in any way, don’t use it! It could damage your skin.
If you are thinking of trying facial shaving, DO NOT use a razor sold for shaving your body (e.g. Venus, Bic, etc.), these blades are super sharp and not meant for use on the face (unless you’re a man)!
You can see a video of the Tinkle facial razor in action below (demo starts at 2:50)
Is Shaving Good For A Woman’s Face? Well ladies…
..a facial razor like the Tinkle is great for women who want to shave their facial hair because:
-it removes facial hair that can cause insecurities; use it to remove peach fuzz, trim eyebrows and sideburns!
-Dermatologists say that face shaving can help skin care products better penetrate and absorb into the skin, because shaving helps to remove dead skin cells
-it can also remove coarser hair if needed (coarse hair will grow back as stubble – plucking, laser or waxing is better for thicker hairs!)
-the hair removed will not grow back thicker/darker than its original state (e.g. thin/blonde hairs grow back the same as before shaving – trust me!)
-once removed, facial hair that can interfere with makeup application is gone, leaving behind only smooth skin
-facial shaving is a mild form of mechanical exfoliation of the skin, known as dermaplaning, so your skin will be hairless and smoother afterwards
-it’s perfect for people who aren’t good with tweezers or when you need to remove facial hair in a hurry (just throw your razor in your purse and go!)
-you don’t have to use painful wax or epilators or stinky facial hair remover creams
-it’s super cheap, painless at-home facial hair removal at your fingertips!
What Are The Disadvantages To Shaving Your Face?
Well, like shaving any other part of your body, the hair will come back in a few days. I normally use my razor to remove my facial hair once every couple weeks, although hair regrowth varies from person to person.
Laser-hair removal can be a more permanent solution in some cases, or at least make hair grow back thinner and slower. The Tinkle facial razor itself is pretty safe to use, but be sure to use it properly and gently and always clean the razor afterwards. Razors also have to be replaced regularly for optimal results, depending on how often you use them (at lest monthly).
Do not shave your face if you have any skin sensitivities or severe acne, as it could cause more irritation.
The SmoothSkin Pure Fit IPL Hair Remover (One Of My Fave Beauty Tools!)
Want smooth, hair free arms, legs and face? Find out how the SmoothSkin Pure Fit IPL Hair Remover can remove excess hair for good!
How Often Can You Shave Your Face With A Razor
For both mild exfoliation and removing facial hair, you can shave your face once a week at most – more often could cause irritation and isn’t recommended.
Face-Shaving After-Care
Since shaving your face also acts as a mild form of exfoliation (e.g. it gently removes dead skin cells from the surface) I would recommend using a good hyaluronic acid serum to help skin retain moisture, as well as a gentle, soothing moisturizer to calm and replenish the skin.
Always avoid applying skin care products that can be irritating after shaving your face, like retinol, vitamin C or acid exfoliants and peels. I personally love using a lovely aloe vera gel on my face after using a Tinkle facial razor to calm things down and hydrate my skin.
RELATED READING: Klairs Midnight Blue Calming Cream For Stressed Skin
Does Shaving Facial Hair Make It Grow Back Thicker?
No, shaving facial or body hair will not make it grow back thicker, faster or darker. A razor blade cuts away facial hair from the skin’s surface, not the root; this leaves the cut hairs with blunt tops that can appear thicker as they start to grow back through the surface, but they really aren’t.

So, Should Women Shave Their Face? (YES!)
I love shaving my face! I didn’t realize how many blonde hairs I had on my face until I first used a facial razor and saw how much came off! I use this to remove hair on my upper lip and under my lower lip, along my jawline and even above my eyebrows.
Facial hair removal leaves your skin smooth and hair free and I’m a bit addicted to it now, so I won’t be stopping anytime soon. I no longer have to worry about hair getting in the way of my foundation application and it also removes some of the hairs that I’ve missed during my at-home laser hair removal sessions with my Silk’n.
A facial razor is also super handy for hair removal when you’re travelling or on the go; it fits easily into your purse for all your facial hair emergencies (and if you have excess hair growth from PCOS like me, then you have a lot of those!). And again, I’m sure many of you reading this are worried that your light, blonde peach fuzz will come back as a thick, dark beard. Luckily, no! These hairs grow back the same way as when you first shaved them (or I would be a werewolf by now).
I bought a large package of Tinkles off of Amazon. There is 36 razors in the box. Are these Tinkle or imposters. Do they sell the razors off Amazon or only from there website. The first ones I bought were from tinkle.com but thought these were a better deal. Up in the corner of the box says DORCO, is this not there brand?
I asked a rep from the company and apparently the Amazon ones are not authentic (which is where I originally got them as well). They look identical, though.
Thank you
I bought my first ones from the Tinkle website and the razors were great. The ones I ordered off Amazon seemed different, not as good. I will order my next ones directly from the Tinkle website.
Thanks again
Interesting! Good tips on learning on how to use the product and where to buy it from.
I’ve never really thought of using one of these but they seem like an interesting product! Have a lovely day 🙂
Trishna xx
I have actual facial hair and this razor helps me in tamming them.
I find them really helpful when I’m in a hurry or realize I missed a spot!
Ok, full disclosure. We started shaving our faces a few months ago also! Although, we’ve never tried these razors but it would probably work way better than a regular one! #mustget
Gem+Elli | gemandelli.com
Tinkles are super safe and easy to use. If I used a regular razor on my face, I would definitely have some serious scars afterwards!
How long does one razor last?
They last quite a while – much longer than a razor you would use for shaving your legs. I’ve had the same one for months now.
Hi! I just used a Tinkle razor for the first time (after trying to embarrassingly explain to the sales lady what a “Tinkle” was). My skin looks and feels super smooth, except for when I rub against the grain, I feel tiny tiny hairs. Is this normal? Did I not push hard enough? Thanks!
Well, it is just like shaving. The Tinkle also isn’t super sharp, so it won’t shave as close as a sharper razor. You can try shaving against the grain (if you didn’t already) but I wouldn’t press too hard.
Honestly this was super helpful. I have my fair share of peach fuzz and it’s always bothered me so this sounds awesome!
Julia // The Sunday Mode
Glad it helped! The Tinkle is one of those simple gadgets I honestly can’t live without.
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