foods to help acid reflux

Six Foods That Can Help Get Rid Of Acid Reflux

We all know that a good diet is essential for great health. The link between what we eat and how our bodies react has been well established throughout history.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t always mean we know what to eat and when to eat it. In a previous post, I talked about the best supplements for women living with PCOS. In fact, PCOS isn’t something that can be cured, but it can be greatly improved by eating the right foods.

Similarly, I’m going to talk about another common ailment: acid reflux. While acid reflux can definitely be managed, it can be a long journey. Food plays an important role in that journey, so today I’ve put together a list of six foods to add to your acid reflux diet that can help you better manage the condition. I also share a few foods to avoid for acid reflux, so get a pencil ready!

foods to reduce acid reflux. acid reflux diet

What Is Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux is a condition that includes a burning pain (also referred to as heartburn or acid indigestion) in the lower chest area and occurs when stomach acid flows back up into the food pipe. 

Our stomach contains hydrochloric acid, to help break down food and protect us from bacteria. The lining of the stomach is protected from this powerful acid, but the lining of the esophagus is not and experiences a burning sensation if stomach acids are pushed into it.

Acid reflux is diagnosed as Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) when acid reflux occurs more than twice a week regularly.

Symptoms of acid reflux include:

  1. prolonged sore throat and/or hoarse voice
  2. a burning pain in the upper abdomen, which usually occurs after eating
  3. sensation of a lump in the throat
  4. difficulty swallowing
  5. regurgitation of food or sour liquid


Foods To Avoid That Can Trigger Acid Reflux

The following are foods that you should try to avoid when you can because they are know to trigger acid reflux:


-unhealthy fatty foods 

-coffee and tea (both caffeinated and decaf)


-spicy foods

-garlic and onions



6 Foods To Help Reduce Acid Reflux


Ginger is a well known home remedy for a lot of common complaints, and acid reflux is definitely one of them.  According to Healthline, small doses of ginger— taken as a tea, for example— have been found to reduce gastrointestinal irritation and lower the chances of stomach acid flowing up into the esophagus.

This is due to the phenolic compounds found in ginger, which help lessen irritation and gastric contractions. Around four grams of ginger steeped in hot water can usually be enough to relieve the symptoms of acid reflux, if divided in doses throughout the day.

RELATED READING: 3 Healthy Additions To Your Diet That Are Super Easy

Ginger, Natural Remedies, Tuber, Spice, Sharp, Ingber



Breakfast food can be a little tricky for people suffering from acid reflux, also known as GERD. These foods tend to be high in fats and oils, which can often exacerbate the symptoms. Luckily, there’s one breakfast food that you can take that won’t give you that burn.

WebMD recommends eating oatmeal for breakfast to help keep you energized for the day, while helping promote intestinal health. High fiber foods like oatmeal are perfect for dealing with acid reflux, so make sure you’re taking in enough.

Blueberries, Oats, Oatmeal, Health



Wheatgrass is a superfood that’s been gaining a lot of attention lately, and it’s not hard to see why. Brightcore claims that wheatgrass is a great home remedy for acid reflux for a ton of different reasons.

One of the most important is that it’s an alkaline food, which helps neutralize the acid in your stomach and reduce the number of acid reflux occurrences. Whether taken as a juice or fresh, it has a ton of benefits for any type of diet.


Egg Whites

Another food that you might not have known is good for acid reflux is egg— specifically, the whites of the egg. The Economic Times says that egg whites, while being a great source of healthy protein, are also great for reducing heartburn.

This is because egg whites are low in acidity, which reduces the chances of stomach acid overflow. Plus, they’re rich in vitamin B6, which helps metabolize amino acids and in turn reduces acid reflux.


Lean Meats

Finally, if you’re suffering from acid reflux then it’s probably time to switch over to healthier, lean meats. Lean meats, as well as fish, are great sources of protein that don’t exacerbate the symptoms of GERD. The International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders encourages a shift to lean meat like chicken, turkey and fish in order to reduce the chances of acid reflux.

High fat meats and fried food lower the pressure in your esophagus and delay digestion, which increases the chances of reflux. This means making the shift to lean meats is good for your stomach, and great for your overall health (just don’t fry them!).


Non-Citrus Fruits

Non-citrus fruits like melon, apples, pears and bananas are a great choice if you suffer from acid reflux because they are less likely to trigger acid reflux than oranges, lemons, grapefruits, tangerines or limes (citrus fruits).

I hope these foods help you manage your acid reflux and feel better!

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