
3 Healthy Additions To Your Diet That Are Super Easy

Eating healthy isn’t always easy, especially when you’re super tired and always on the go. B

ut a few healthy tweaks to your diet can make a big difference to your energy levels and I have some really easy ones for you to try!


1. Try A Smoothie

A great way to fill your stomach in a hurry and pack in a ton of vitamins and antioxidants is a quick smoothie. I got back into making smoothies last year when my dietitian recommended that I try it as a healthy lunch option.

At that time I was on maternity leave and I was often skipping lunches. When I did eat lunch, I would often eat large portions of leftover pasta or meat, which wasn’t really helping me achieve my weight loss goals.

Smoothies can be super healthy beverages if you use the right ingredients! Aim for a serving of a healthy fat, a good hit of protein (protein powder is the easiest option here) as well as a serving of berries or veggies.

I love to mix mine with almond milk to keep it dairy free, but milk, coconut water or just plain water are great options too.



2. Ginger

Although it might be an acquired taste for some, ginger is incredibly good for you and a daily dose of ginger really is a good thing: ginger contributes to your overall heart health and it’s great for reducing nausea or aiding in digestion.

What’s more, you can fit ginger into your diet quite easily; just add a chunk of it into your smoothie, a stir-fry or steep it in some hot water with a squeeze of lemon and a pinch of cayenne pepper, which is how I love to take it!

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easy changes to your diet and nutrition


3. Brazil Nuts

Fun fact about me? I looooovvve nuts. I could eat a bag full of nuts every day if I really let myself go. I’m nutso for nuts and really wish they weren’t so damn high in calories so I could eat them all day long.

Now, while all nuts have health benefits, Brazil nuts are extra special because they contain high amounts of selenium as well as magnesium, zinc, calcium, vitamin E and some B vitamins.

Brazil nuts are great for maintaining a healthy immune system, reducing your risk of diabetes, improving your thyroid function and lowering your cholesterol considerably.

Aim for 3-4 brazil nuts a day and thank me later!

If you’re looking for a great magnesium supplement, I’ve been enjoying Natural Calm (review) – it helps with digestion, sleep and stress.

What easy, healthy tips do you practice every day?


Related Reading:

-Easy, No-Bake Vegan Snack Bites

-5 Weight Loss Tips That Work!

-Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss – Does It Work?

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