Good Mornings Start With The Casabrews 5700Pro Espresso Machine

Is there anything more delectable in the morning than a freshly brewed cup of coffee? For coffee lovers, I’m pretty sure the answer is a hard “no”, right?

As a coffee lover myself, sometimes the only thing I look forward to on a tough morning is a warm cappuccino to get things going and nothing is more relaxing to me than the smell of freshly ground coffee beans.

Sadly, my husband and I recently lost our beloved espresso machine of 8 years and we knew we immediately needed another machine to fill this empty caffeine void.

But the odds were in our favour when I was contacted by Casabrews asking if I would like to try out one of their stunning stainless steel espresso machines – it was an offer I couldn’t refuse. 

Casabrews creates beautifully crafted espresso machines for the beginner coffee drinker right up to the espresso connoisseur that could run their own coffee shop, so anyone can use this machine.

And why visit a coffee shop when you can make a delicious espresso or cappuccino in your very own kitchen?

In this post, I share all the features of the Casabrews 5700Pro All-in-One Espresso Machine with Digital LCD Display Screen and how we use it to make delish coffees to get our mornings started right. 

*this post contains affiliate links*

**this product was gifted to me for my honest review and opinion**

What Are The Features Of The Casabrews 5700Pro Espresso Machine?

The Casabrews 5700Pro espresso machine is designed with a professional 20-BAR pressure system, which refers to the level of pressure that the machine can generate to brew espresso.

During espresso brewing, hot water is forced through finely ground coffee under high pressure, extracting the flavors and aromas quickly and producing a concentrated shot of coffee with a layer of “crema” (cream) on top.

The high pressure is essential for achieving a well-brewed espresso, including the thick and flavorful crema and the full extraction of the coffee’s oils and compounds.

The precision grinder allows for freshly brewed coffee every time with 15 adjustable settings and built-in memory for best results every time.

This machine also has a milk frother to let you make the most fabulous lattes and cappuccinos for you and your guests, as well as a 91oz water tank to avoid refills happening too often.

The functional LCD display makes it easy to adjust various settings of the machine for full control over your coffee making experience. It displays the exact pressure applied to each brew, a steam indicator, a countdown timer for each process and different display modes. 

The Casabrews 5700Pro Espresso Machine comes with a 30-day money back guarantee if it doesn’t fulfill all of your coffee-making expectations and ships for free in the US. It can be purchased from the Casabrews website, as well as on Amazon.

espresso brewing into espresso cup

What Coffees Can I Make with the 5700Pro?

From a single espresso to lattes, mochas, macchiatos and cappuccinos, you’ll never get tired of the variety of professionally brewed coffees you can make.

I advise that you stack up on cocoa, cinnamon and caramel toppers, because you have a lot of fancy coffees to brew!

Want a great visual rundown of all the features and accesories of the Casabrews 5700Pro? Check out his YouTube video below:


What Comes With The Casabrews 5700Pro Espresso Machine?

The entire structure of the machine as well as the parts provided are sturdy and professional grade, such as the solid metal tamper and well-weighted coffee distributor. They’re both quite heavy, so I have to be careful not to drop them.

The coffee scoop and cleaning brush are also made of really thick, solid plastic, so they won’t crack or snap if you drop them on the floor or try to bend them.

Personally, I can’t stand spending good money on an appliance only to find it’s made of flimsy materials that easily break (and I’m super clumsy), so the well-made pieces of this machine are appreciated!

The 5700Pro espresso machine comes with the following:

-coffee bean container

-single and double espresso filters

-filter holder/portafilter

-solid metal tamper

-coffee distributor (distributes the grinds evenly within the portafilter)

-rubber tampering mat (to catch any beans that fall out and keep the portafilter steady while tamping)

-decorating metal pen 

-milk jug for frothing

-cleaning needle and cleaning brush

-an extra grinder (just in case the original needs replacement)

-coffee scoop 

Design feature: The rubber tamper mat is designed to sit on the edge of the counter and hold the portafilter in place while you tamper. See below.

How To Customize Your Brew

The LCD display and grinder dial make it easy to adjust the following for a customized coffee making experience:

-the amount of time the machine spends grinding your beans (e.g. default time for single espresso is 14 seconds)

-select a single or a double shot of espresso (if you don’t want to use the press buttons)

-adjust the amount of espresso released

-adjust the temperature of the espresso shot

-select the “descale” feature as needed depending on the hardness of your water (harder water requires more frequent descaling)

-select the “flush” cycle to clean the machine

-select the coarseness of the coffee grinds to your liking by adjusting the grinder dial left or right

The LCD screen also allows you to easily return the settings to the factory settings through the Menu button, so feel free to play around.

The user manual is very clearly written and will guide you through the machine and grinder settings, so don’t worry about not understanding all of the settings just yet! They also provide quick tip sheets to get you acquainted with your machine more quickly.

Tip: Place your espresso cups or coffee cups of your choice mouth-side down on top of the machine in advance while the machine is turned on to pre-warm your cup(s).

Cleaning & Maintenance

The Casabrews 5700Pro makes it easy to keep your machine clean and ready for optimal use at all times. It features a flush cleaning cycle to clear the lines of the machine for the best brew possible; a flush cycle should be done weekly for best results.

This machine also features a descaling function to keep the machine clear of hard water mineral build up that could affect the flavour, flow, brewing temperature and overall power of the machine if left unscaled. A descale cycle is recommended at least monthly, although descaling frequency will depend on the hardness of your water (harder water requires more frequent descaling).

For optimal grinds, the grinder mechanism should be removed from the machine and cleaned with the provided cleaning brush.

The filters and portafilter should be cleaned using hot water daily to remove residual coffee oils. The cleaning pin provided can be used to unblock any holes in the filter as needed. 

How We Enjoy This Espresso Machine

First of all, the machine came well packed and the stainless steel design is absolutely stunning on our countertop. 

My husband loves grinding his own beans and is quite particular about the grind setting of his beans to get the best flavour and crema in his espressos, so we appreciate that this machine comes with an easy to adjust grinder.

We definitely brewed some wonderful espressos, but we did need to make a few customizations…First, we reduced the grind time for our single shot from 14 seconds to about 11 seconds; we found the 14 second default grind time resulted in a bit too much coffee in the portafilter for our taste.

My husband likes a realllly hot cup of espresso, so we also adjusted the shot temperature to the hottest setting after learning how to navigate through the menu in the LCD display. He was very pleased at how hot the espresso came out, which saved him from having to pre-warm his cup in the microwave filled with water.

He also set the espresso quantity dispensed to give him the amount he wanted for each shot.

Lastly, to get the right amount of crema and flavour we enjoy, we decreased the grinder setting from the default setting of 8 down to 6.5 for a finer grind. This gave us a delicious brew with a luscious crema on top at a bar pressure of 12.

I enjoy cappuccino in the morning, so I had to test out the milk frother, which proved easy to use and made me a lovely frothy topping to my cappuccino.

Overall, we both enjoy this machine and the ability to grind our own beans and customize the shot temperate, grind size, grind time and amount of espresso dispensed.

It took some time to get used to navigating the LCD menu options and adjusting the customized settings to our preference, but once we got the hang of it (with the help of the manual) we now enjoy the perfect brew.


If you dream of a professional level espresso machine that looks great and can be customized to your particular caffeinated tastes, the Casabrews 5700Pro Espresso Machine is something you must consider for your coffee bar!

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