How To Wash Your Hair Properly For Healthy Locks (20+ Tips!)

Taking care of your hair is essential for a healthy and vibrant mane. No matter what your hair type, knowing the proper way to wash your hair can make a big difference in its health, feel and appearance.

A healthy washing routine is also super important to avoid unnecessary damage and hair loss while promoting a healthy scalp.

You might think washing your hair is the easiest thing on the planet – wet, lather, rinse, right? But there’s more to it than just these simple steps (which I only really learned for myself in the last few months!).

From choosing the right products to mastering the technique, this article will help your hair get the love and care it deserves.

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Before Washing:

1. Brush your hair: Gently detangle your hair before stepping into the shower to minimize knots during washing and unnecessary pulling and breakage.

2. Select the right products: Choose a shampoo and conditioner suited for your hair type and more importantly, the needs of your scalp (dry, oily, curly, coloured, damaged, thin, etc.). 

3. Massage your scalp: Scalp massage can help to boost blood circulation for healthier follicles for hair growth and retention, and can also help to gently exfoliate dead skin cells to be washed away. I use this rubber scalp massager and it feels amazing!

4. Apply a scalp exfoliator (optional): Something I just started using this past year was applying a scalp exfoliator about 5-10 minutes before washing. Massage the exfoliant all over the scalp to help slough away dead skin cells for a healthier, flake free scalp. I enjoy this one from The Inkey List.

3. Thoroughly wet your hair: Wet your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water before applying shampoo to properly lather the product. To ensure every little bit of your hair is properly wet, split your hair into sections and wet it thoroughly.

I also lift the top half of my hair to ensure the hair above the nape of my neck is totally drenched – you won’t believe how much hair isn’t properly wet without doing this step! This step is especially important if you have thicker hair that can block the water from getting to the hair underneath the top layers.

Many people will complain that a shampoo, especially sulfate free shampoos, don’t lather well, but this issue can often be resolved by ensuring your hair has been thoroughly drenched first.

4. Use lukewarm water: Always wet and rinse your hair with lukewarm water (except the conditioning rinse, where you can use lukewarm or cold water as a rinse). Hot water can overly dry out your hair and cause damage or breakage.



1. Use the right amount of shampoo & apply to scalp first: A coin-sized amount is usually sufficient for most hair lengths. Most importantly, don’t just apply a blob of shampoo onto your head; instead, evenly distribute the shampoo in the palm of your hands and between your fingers and then apply and massage the shampoo directly onto the scalp first.

Once you’ve applied shampoo to your entire scalp, any remaining shampoo can then be spread to your ends. The ends of your hair don’t need as much shampoo as your scalp, so you don’t need to fully cover your ends with shampoo unless you have a lot of built up hair products to remove.

2. Wash twice: If you have an oilier scalp, use a lot of hair products (dry shampoo, mousse, gel, leave-in conditioners) or don’t wash your hair for more than a couple days, consider washing your hair twice.

The first wash will help to remove excess oils and build up, while the second wash will ensure your hair  and scalp are thoroughly clean. A clean scalp will promote healthier hair and optimal hair growth and retention.

You’ll also notice a much better lather during the second wash because there is less oil in your hair, so you may find yourself using a bit less shampoo on the second wash.

3. Massage your scalp: Use your fingertips to gently massage the shampoo into your scalp to remove dirt, oil and product buildup.

4. Be gentle: Avoid aggressive scrubbing or scratching, as it can damage hair follicles and cause frizz. Always massage the scalp with the pads of your fingers.

5. Rinse thoroughly: Make sure to rinse out all the shampoo from your hair using lukewarm water. Again, split your hair into sections to ensure your entire scalp is thoroughly rinsed and not hidden under the top layers of your hair (especially if your hair is thick).


1. Apply conditioner to the ends only: Concentrate conditioner on the ends of your hair to moisturize and detangle without weighing down your roots. This is especially important for oilier hair types or thin hair. Squeeze out excess water from your hair before applying conditioner for best results.

2. Leave-in time: Let the conditioner sit for a couple of minutes before rinsing to allow it to work its magic.

3. Cold rinse for shine: Rinse conditioner with cold water to seal the hair cuticle, promoting shine and smoothness (if you can bear the cold!). Otherwise, a lukewarm rinse is fine too.

4. Gently Comb: Use a wide-tooth comb to gently comb and detangle your hair with the conditioner in it. Be very gentle and avoid excess pulling, as your hair is weakest and most vulnerable to breakage when it’s wet.


General Hair Maintenance Tips:

1. Avoid hot water: Hot water can strip natural oils, leaving hair dry and brittle. Stick to lukewarm water.

2. Don’t over-wash: Washing your hair 2-3 times per week can prevent stripping of natural oils that help to protect and condition your hair and scalp. Consider using a dry shampoo in between washes when you can, or try an easy heatless updo.

3. Use a wide-tooth comb: Post-shower, use a wide-tooth comb to gently detangle damp hair to prevent breakage.

4. Pat dry, don’t rub: Use a soft towel to gently pat or squeeze your hair dry instead of rough rubbing to avoid damage. A microfiber towel is more absorbent for hair drying than a regular towel, making it a great hair care item to have next to your shower. 

5. Limit heat styling: Minimize the use of heat styling tools to prevent damage; if using, apply a heat protectant spray.


Specific Hair Type Tips:

1.For oily hair: Focus on the scalp while washing and use a gentle shampoo to avoid over-drying.

2. For dry hair: Look for moisturizing shampoos and conditioners with nourishing ingredients like oils or shea butter.

3. For curly hair: Consider co-washing (using conditioner only) or using sulfate-free products to maintain natural oils.


1. Air-dry when possible: Allow your hair to air dry (about 80% dry) to minimize heat damage.

2. Apply hair serum or oil: Use a small amount of serum or oil on the ends of your hair to add moisture and reduce frizz.

Remember, everyone’s hair is unique, so feel free to adjust these tips to fit your specific hair needs.

Consistency and care are key to maintaining healthy and beautiful hair! And don’t forget to follow my “Hair Care Tips” board on Pinterest for more great guides.

blush and pearls beauty blog by angela

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